Media Library Pro is a paid add-on package for Laravel Media Library. In order to use it, you must have the base version of media library installed in your project. Here are the installation instructions for the base version.
##Installing the base package
##Getting a license
You must buy a license on the Media Library Pro product page at
Single application licenses maybe installed in a single Laravel app. In case you bought the unlimited application license, there are no restrictions. A license comes with one year of upgrades. If a license expires, you are still allowed to use Media Library Pro, but you won't get any updates anymore.
##Requiring Media Library Pro
After you've purchased a license, add the
repository in your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
Next, you need to create a file called auth.json
and place it either next to the composer.json
file in your project, or in the Composer home directory. You can determine the Composer home directory on *nix machines by using this command.
composer config --list --global | grep home
This is the content you should put in auth.json
"http-basic": {
"": {
With the configuration above in place, you'll be able to install the Media Library Pro into your project using this command:
composer require "spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro:^1.0.0"
##Prepare the database
Media Library Pro tracks all temporary uploads in a table called temporary_uploads
To create the table you need to publish and run the migration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibraryPro\MediaLibraryProServiceProvider" --tag="media-library-pro-migrations"
php artisan migrate
##Automatically removing temporary uploads
If you are using Media Library Pro, you must schedule this artisan command in app/Console/Kernel
to automatically delete temporary uploads
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
##Add the route macro
To accept temporary uploads, you must add this macro to your routes file.
##Using the CSS
You have a couple of options for how you can use the UI components' CSS, depending on your and your project's needs:
##Using Laravel Mix or Webpack with css-loader
You can import the built CSS in your own CSS files using @import(vendor/spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro/resources/js/media-library-pro-styles)
This isn't a very pretty import, but you can make it cleaner by adding this configuration to your Webpack config:
laravel-mix >6
mix.override((webpackConfig) => {
webpackConfig.resolve.modules = [
__dirname + "/vendor/spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro/resources/js",
laravel-mix <6
resolve: {
modules: [
__dirname + "/vendor/spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro/resources/js",
This will force Webpack to look in vendor/spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro/resources/js
when resolving imports, and allows you to shorten your import to this:
@import "media-library-pro-styles";
If you're using PurgeCSS, you might have to add a rule to your whitelist patterns.
mix.purgeCss({ whitelistPatterns: [/^media-library/] });
##Directly in Blade/HTML
You should copy the built CSS from vendor/spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro/resources/js/media-library-pro-styles/dist/styles.css
into your public
folder, and then use a link
tag in your blade/html to get it: <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/main.css') }}">
If you would like to customize the CSS we provide, head over to the section on Customizing CSS.
##Usage in a frontend repository
If you can't install the package using composer
because, for example, you're developing an SPA, you can download the packages from GitHub Packages.
##Registering with GitHub Packages
You will need to create a Personal Access Token with the read:packages
permission on the GitHub account that has access to the spatie/laravel-medialibrary-pro repository. We suggest creating an entirely new token for this and not using it for anything else. You can safely share this token with team members as long as it has only this permission. Sadly, there is no way to scope the token to only the Media Library Pro repository.
Next up, create a .npmrc
file in your project's root directory, with the following content:
Make sure the plaintext token does not get uploaded to GitHub along with your project. Either add the file to your .gitignore
file, or set the token in your .bashrc
file as an ENV variable.
export GITHUB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_TOKEN=token-goes-here
Alternatively, you can use npm login
to log in to the GitHub Package Registry. Fill in your GitHub credentials, using your Personal Access Token as your password.
npm login --registry= --scope=@spatie
If you get stuck at any point, have a look at GitHub's documentation on this.
##Downloading the packages from GitHub Packages
Now, you can use npm install --save
or yarn add
to download the packages you need.
yarn add @spatie/media-library-pro-styles @spatie/media-library-pro-vue3-attachment
You will now have to include the @spatie/
scope when importing the packages, this is different from examples in the documentation.
import { MediaLibraryAttachment } from '@spatie/media-library-pro-vue3-attachment';
You can find a list of all the packages on the repository:
##What happens when your license expires?
A few days before a license expires, we'll send you a reminder mail to renew your license.
Should you decide not to renew your license, you won't be able to use composer anymore to install this package. You won't get any new features or bug fixes.
Instead, you can download a zip containing the latest version that your license covered. This can be done on your purchases page on You are allowed to host this version in a private repo of your own.