If you want to retrieve versioned media urls, for example when needing cache busting, you can enable versioning by setting the version_urls config value to true in your media-library.php config file. The getUrl() and getFullUrl() functions will return the url with a version string based on the updated_at column of the media model.
Since retrieving the first media and the url for the first media for an object is such a common scenario, the getFirstMedia and getFirstMediaUrl convenience-methods are also provided:
You can also retrieve the size of the file via size and human_readable_size :
$mediaItems[0]->size; // Returns the size in bytes$mediaItems[0]->human_readable_size; // Returns the size in a human readable format (eg. 1,5 MB)
An instance of Media also contains the mime type of the file.
$mediaItems[0]->mime_type; // Returns the mime type
You can remove something from the library by simply calling delete on an instance of Media:
When a Media instance gets deleted all related files will be removed from the filesystem.
Deleting a model with associated media will also delete all associated files.
$yourModel->delete(); // all associated files will be deleted as well
You may delete a model without removing associated media by calling the deletePreservingMedia method instead of delete.
$yourModel->deletePreservingMedia(); // all associated files will be preserved
If you want to remove all associated media in a specific collection you can use the clearMediaCollection method. It also accepts the collection name as an optional parameter:
$yourModel->clearMediaCollection(); // all media will be deleted$yourModel->clearMediaCollection('images'); // all media in the images collection will be deleted
Also, there is a clearMediaCollectionExcept method which can be useful if you want to remove only few or some selected media in a collection. It accepts the collection name as the first argument and the media instance or collection of media instances which should not be removed as the second argument:
$yourModel->clearMediaCollectionExcept('images', $yourModel->getFirstMedia()); // This will remove all associated media in the 'images' collection except the first media