When you change a conversion on your model, all images that were previously generated will not be updated automatically. You can regenerate your images via an artisan command. Note that conversions are often queued, so it might take a while to see the effects of the regeneration in your application.
php artisan media-library:regenerate
If you only want to regenerate the images for a single model, you can specify it as a parameter:
php artisan media-library:regenerate "App\Models\Post"
If you only want to regenerate images for a few specific media items, you can pass their IDs using the --ids
php artisan media-library:regenerate --ids=1 --ids=2 --ids=3
A comma separated list of id's works too.
php artisan media-library:regenerate --ids=1,2,3
If you only want to regenerate images for one or many specific conversions, you can use the --only
php artisan media-library:regenerate --only=thumb --only=foo
If you only want to regenerate missing images, you can use the --only-missing
php artisan media-library:regenerate --only-missing
If you want to force responsive images to be regenerated, you can use the --with-responsive-images
php artisan media-library:regenerate --with-responsive-images
If you want to regenerate images starting at a specific id (inclusive), you can use the --starting-from-id
php artisan media-library:regenerate --starting-from-id=1
You can also start after the provided id by also passing the --exclude-starting-id
or -X
php artisan media-library:regenerate --starting-from-id=1 --exclude-starting-id
php artisan media-library:regenerate --starting-from-id=1 -X
The --starting-from-id
option can also be combined with the modelType
php artisan media-library:regenerate "App\Models\Post" --starting-from-id=1