Since data objects can be created from array's and be easily transformed into array's back again, they are excellent to be used
with Eloquent casts:
class Song extends Model
protected $casts = [
'artist' => ArtistData::class,
Now you can store a data object in a model as such:
'artist' => new ArtistData(name: 'Rick Astley', age: 22),
It is also possible to use an array representation of the data object:
'artist' => [
'name' => 'Rick Astley',
'age' => 22
This will internally be converted to a data object which you can later retrieve as such:
##Casting data collections
It is also possible to store data collections in an Eloquent model:
class Artist extends Model
protected $casts = [
'songs' => DataCollection::class.':'.SongData::class,
A collection of data objects within the Eloquent model can be made as such:
'songs' => [
new SongData(title: 'Never gonna give you up', artist: 'Rick Astley'),
new SongData(title: 'Together Forever', artist: 'Rick Astley'),
It is also possible to provide an array instead of a data object to the collection:
'songs' => [
['title' => 'Never gonna give you up', 'artist' => 'Rick Astley'],
['title' => 'Together Forever', 'artist' => 'Rick Astley']